Cosmic Earthling

TSM Conversion Long Noble Hair

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Here is that long TSM hair converted for TS4! I do advise using a hairline with this hair as it is quite high on the head.
  • All Lods
  • Hat chops
  • Enabled for both m&f
  • Feel free to recolour as long as you credit me!

Credits: S4S, Blender, Opeu, Furbyq, Pooklet.

Cosmic Earthling

TSM to TS4 Hair Conversion DreadPony

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Now that I know how to do good(ish) conversions I'll be converting my favourite TSM hairs! :D
  • All Lods, apart from 3 for some reason it wouldn't let me overwrite that one
  • Hat chops
  • Enabled for both m&f
  • Feel free to recolour as long as you credit me!

Credits: Opeu, S4S, Blender, Furbyq, Pooklet.

Cosmic Earthling

TSM to TS4 hair conversion!

Friday, March 10, 2017

A new hair conversion! :D 
  • All Lods
  • Hat compatible
  • Enabled for both m&f
  • Feel free to recolour just remember to credit me for the conversion. :)

Credits: Blender, S4S, Opeu(tutorial), Furbyq, Pooklet.

Cosmic Earthling

Wingssims Hair OS0214 Clayified

Saturday, March 04, 2017

A long time ago, in a castle far far away.. Someone requested more short hair from me! Now that I've figured out how to clayify them without them looking like poop it is happening!

Mesh required

Credits: Wingsims, Furbyq (texture and colours), Pooklet, S4S.

Two hairs that use yfhairLongWavy textures and two retextures

Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Four more hairs! Here are birkshe's Long Wavy edit and GlamourPonytail + Wildspit's Fluid and Sunshine hairs. The GlamourPonytail and Sunshine hairs have their own textures while the Fluid and LongWavyEdit use the default Long Wavy textures.

Requires Meshes: Birksche's Long wavy Edit and Wildspit's Fluid hair.

Requires Meshes: Birkshe's GlamourPonytail and Wildspit's Sunshine hair.

Credits: Birksche, Wildspit, S4S, Furbyq, Pooklet, Pixelswirl.